When coming up with the idea for this post I started thinking about what this class meant for my future. Of course, I can not really give any real indication of what I am going to do with my life because I am only fifteen years old and in my freshman year of high school but that does not mean I can not guess as to what the future holds. For over two years now I have been striving for the job of a mechanical engineer because of the creativity I can add and the heavy mathematical portion of the work. I was inspired by my brother, who was majoring in aerospace engineering but is now in industrial engineering but wanted to be somewhat original all while giving myself the most opportunity I can have after college. At this point you might be asking what this has to do with the digital design and animation class I am doing this for, I am getting there. I partly took this class because it would look great on a resume going into a technical job but I also took it because, as I mentioned before, I love putting creativity into my day to day work. I also have a passion for coding and creating things online, so this class seemed like the best combination of those things. While this is all true, I have been thinking about what doors this class opens for me and the idea of working for a game company is starting to sound quite interesting to me.
I fell in love with the idea of making a game, or many, after writing the storyline and premise of one for the entry exam of the game design class. I was proud of my idea and the concept of it all, plus drawing out all the characters and levels sounded awesome. While I have not had any training and am definitely not qualified to write out and draw an entire game, writing the start made me appreciate the work that goes into a real game.
In summary, because of this class, I have begun to seriously consider game design as a future career. This means I will continue to work as hard as I can in game design and I will not quit when things get hard.