As we've started working through team based assignments, I've gotten very excited about leading the team. I'm sure there will be many challenges and a lot of organizational demands going forward but I really enjoy setting things up like this and starting the Trello board was very rewarding. Originally, I was hoping to use Asana as opposed to Trello because I thought it's features might be easier to navigate but after seeing that we were required to use Trello's software I did some digging and I think I'll be able to make this do similar things for the most part. There aren't as many features and helpful layouts with Trello but we'll at least be able to sort out tasks and I'm sure as we go further into the project we'll figure out ways to make the most of Trello's features. The To-do list and the calendar will be especially helpful moving forward but I'm curious to see how the format evolves. I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up making a more role specific task system but if I find enough helpful add-ons and power ups there won't really be a need. Hopefully software like this will keep us more organized and make tasks/deadlines more clear for everyone.

Knowing my team, we might have to have a conversation about the correct and incorrect use of stickers on the task cards because I have a feeling they might be used quite a bit.