One of our most recent assignments had us reflect on our experiences in quarantine and create an artwork based on the positive aspects of it. Keeping up with my deadlines, staying inside at all times, and not being able to hang out with the people I care about has been pretty rough so, this was challenging. I settled on the idea that since my phone was my way of connecting to the rest of the world, from my little room, that it could be seen as a Portal to the Rest of the World. After that, I created a model of my room for reference so, my perspective was accurate. From there, I drew over it in photoshop and added some stylized details. Then I created a translucent gray layer over the room and drew closed curtains so it would be less distracting and, added everything I loved most about technology.

It ended up taking a day to complete and, I probably added way more detail than I needed to but, I was pretty happy with how it turned out. If I did something like this again, I'd probably start with a sketch of what I wanted it to look like so I knew what to prioritize.