While this doesn't directly correlate to a DDA II project or subject, it is relevant to my skills in both digital and hand drawing so I feel like it's fitting. Inktober has been fun to interact with because I've always liked coming up with things that have a dark connotation or twist but I do wish I could spend more time on them. I have drawn something for every prompt and put effort into each one so far, but not many of them have made it to the final stage. I made rough sketches to get ideas across the first day the prompts were released and I've been working my way through a more detailed sketching process that actually allows me to add detail and perspective work. I have worked on my digital and pencil sketching skills and I honestly do feel like I have improved quite a bit, the only issue is, a lot of my drawings stop there. Very few have color and even fewer have shading or line art. I was excited to color one drawing in particular of an octopus because one of my close friends got me gauche paints that I spent all day learning how to use. I mostly did this challenge to force myself to draw and get experience, that part I've done, but I must say, I am a little disappointed school keeps me too busy to finish them. Hopefully I can get into more of a schedule and make the time to go through all the steps. I will try to post some of my artworks here.
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