Recently, in Digital Design and Animation I we started our animation unit. I was quite excited... at first. I have always loved the idea of animation and as you can tell by my recent works (might be in archives if you're reading this in the distant future) I have animated before but nothing more than about twenty to twenty-five frames. The actual creating of the frames we are doing in Adobe Illustrator, I'm not sure if that's standard but I am not a huge fan. While you might be able to add small adjustments to each frame/ layer quickly, you then have to go layer by layer changing visibility settings, numbering and exporting. It is so tedious. My perspective is not an experienced one so do not base your opinions off of mine but I am not a huge fan of the animation process so far. I haven't gotten to the rewarding part of it yet, putting it all together and seeing it run smoothly, so I can only hope that changes my feelings but until them, animation definitely won't be my favorite unit this year.
I have said a lot of negative things about animation in this post so let me share some of my more positive thoughts. Squash and stretch as a strategy just makes me so happy. The way it makes everything seem twice as organic is just incredibly pleasing to watch. It took me a while to get the hang of how physics would carry out the act of fast movement but after my first couple frames, I think I got the hang of it. I am also a huge fan of how animation gives a character so much more feeling. Facial expressions and posture are the only way to convey emotion to a drawing but if you animate it you have so much more freedom. For example, you can give an older character a limp to communicate a troubled past or make a shyer character approach slowly and shakily to show how much they are second-guessing themselves.
In summary, I think my animations might not be my strong suit but I love a lot of the things that come with animation itself.