This year because of quarantine, all students have free access to the Adobe Suite as well as 3DsMax. This access opens up a world of opportunity that I am so excited about. More specifically, I'm excited to use Adobe Photoshop because all the Inktober prompts were released today, and I have many ideas regarding mediums and subjects.
If you are unaware of what Inktober is, it's an art challenge that happens once a year, where one word acts as an art prompt for every day of October. The prompts are usually a little creepy or can be drawn with a scarier theme. While I have taken part in a few days of the challenge in the past, I plan to do the full month this year if I have time.
Because I plan to have a completed drawing for all thirty-one days, I would like to work on both my physical drawing skills and my digital coloring skills. I can't wait to get started and see how my skills improve throughout the month. I might post a few of my pieces on the recent works page so, keep an eye out for those.